Make Life Easier 101

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Monday, February 22, 2016

Hooked: How to Turn Indifferent Customers into Loyal Prospects Who Are Hooked For Life

Hooked!  How to Turn Indifferent Prospects into Loyal Customers Who Are Hooked for Life
7 principles of attraction marketing that you can use in life and business for success.

© kris kemp

For more helpful articles, and to get this entire book as a PDF, visit

Hooked!  How to turn indifferent prospects
into loyal customers who are hooked for life.
Seven principles of attraction marketing that
you can use in life & business for success.

The idea for this book came to me one night in a burst of inspiration, causing me to jot down notes as-fast-as-I-could on the whiteboard that I sat on my lap.

For the last few weeks, on 5-minute breaks for the moving company where I worked, while others smoked and chatted, I was sitting quietly, pouring over personal development books like “Focal Point” (Bryan Tracy) and “The Gift” (Shad Helmstetter).

To be honest, I was frustrated, from the hard, mindless work of lugging heavy furniture up-and-down flights of stairs and felt physically beaten down due to a work-related injury--a fall off a landing dock, catching my left leg, just below the
knee--against the folded-up loading ramp, which caused a contusion (blood beneath the skin), swelling (there’s still a bump and it’s tender), a drive to an emergency clinic, followed by a tetanus shot.

So, to keep myself sane and my mind occupied as I lugged this useless, overpriced and overweight furniture, along with the abundance of clothes packed in wardrobe boxes, I read personal development books on breaks, then mused on what I had learned while carrying stuff around.

A lot of the guys I worked with had work-related injuries--scars, bruises, bad backs--and I did not want to end up like them, acting out this seemingly weatherbeaten screenplay of the jaded moving company grunt, participating in the
myth of hard working, hard drinking, heavy smoking laborer.  Does anyone really want a job like that, for 10-20-30 years?

One of the guys has been working there 20 years. He complains and he doesn’t look to happy to be working there, either. Seeing this job as an outside on the inside, I can honestly say I don’t think anyone wants to work this kind of job, but,
because they don’t know exactly what they want, and gained the skills in that area to move toward their goal, they’re lifting furniture all day long.

Of course, I can only speak for myself, though. Personally, I wanted something bigger. On the short term, I wanted out. I was praying to get fired, something my girlfriend, Meghan, will attest to if you ask her.

What do I like doing?

Developing websites based around my interest, especially real estate investing and natural health and wellness cures. My main goal is to empower people to have excellent health, and to work at home for themselves. For that reason alone, I
study marketing materials, to enable me to reach people in a relevant way-- economically and physically, which in turn equips them physically, mentally, spiritually, and emotionally.

One evening, sitting at the desk, the ideas for a marketing book came to me, almost like a depth charge in the sea of my psyche. Fifteen minutes later, I had penned seven principles for attracting and turning potential customers/strangers
into loyal customers/friends.Perhaps my interest in reading and studying marketing over the last year has culminated in this book, a distillation of what I have learned.

Personally, once I accumulate a certain amount of knowledge in a specific area, I feel compelled to give it away, which is almost a cleaning-process of my mind, a catharthis of sorts. And once I give it away, it expands. Others benefit, and I get
more back.

The goal of this book is threefold:

1) To help you get more prospects

2) To help you convert those prospects into loyal customers who buy from you

3) To get those customers so happy to know you that they tell their friends about

You can probably use this book to:

1) To help you meet more people

2) To help you turn turn those strangers into loyal friends who will help you
accomplish your goals, and help motivate, challenge, and inspire you in some way

3) To get those friends so happy to know you that they tell their friends about

I hope you enjoy this book, apply the principles, and get amazing results. Let me
know what happens when you put these principles to use.

Tuesday, 8:17am

Chapter 1

Listen. Ask questions. Speak in terms of what the other person wants.

If you’ve worked at an office, you’ve probably met the person who everyone avoids because they talk about themselves so much and don’t know when to stop.

They’re like a broken water fountain of boring information. You walk up to get a drink (ask a question), then get drowned in their incessant babble.  If only they knew how they repel people by talking so much about themselves.

It is the province of knowledge to speak, and it is the the privilege of wisdom to listen.

A simple way to attract people to you is by listening.

Actively listening.

Forgetting yourself entirely.

Visualizing what the other person is saying.

Then, once he’s finished talking, ask him a question that is specific to what he told you. Ask for clarification, or an example.

In doing this, you’ll find out what someone else is interested in--their pursuits, hobbies, goals. Also, you’ll gain favor in their eyes as being rare (most people don’t listen) and valuable (because you’re listening to them).

Let me tell you a story.

When I was in high school, I remember taking a bus ride with the marching band to a town a few hours away. A friend from school, Fritz, had invited another friend a friend of his to school with him for the day. This kid didn’t know anyone and was pretty quiet.

I remember being introduced to him, then sitting nearby. In our high school at the time, there were little groups of friends who chatted with each other whenever they could. I was a senior and kept to myself. So, while everyone else talked, I
remained silent. Seeing Fritz’s friend sitting there quietly too, I began asking him questions, listening, then asking him follow up questions.

A few days later, Fritz approached me in the hallway and said: “My friend said that you’re the most interesting person he’s ever met.”

“Really,” I asked with surprise. “Why? He didn’t really ask me anything about myself.”

“He just said you were really cool,” Fritz replied, then walked off.

Then I realized it. I was interesting because I was asking him questions.

Hilarous! The thing is, though, that’s how human nature is--people crave attention. And when you give someone authentic attention by asking questions that you are genuinely interested in hearing an answer to, people will like you. This simple recipe will attract people to you like a magnet.

The beauty of listening is that you are learning as you listen. If you’re talking to someone who you don’t respect, and don’t want to be like in any way, you are still learning ... not what to do.

Find someone you admire, meet them, ask them questions, actively listen.

Listen. Ask questions. Speak in terms of what the other person wants.

It is the individual who is not interested in his fellow men who has the greatest difficulties in life and provides the greatest injury to others. It is from among such individuals that all human failures spring.
(Alfred Adler - famour Viennese psychologist)

Take it further. Ask them how doing-what-they-do makes them feel. The how-it-makes-them-feel is the means values.

Let’s go into this in a little more detail. 

There are means values and ends values.

Here’s an example of the difference.

Ask someone why they enjoy jogging. They answer: “It keeps me in shape and it’s a stress releasor.” Those are means values, the evident end-result of engaging in an activity of some sort.

Now, ask that same person this question: “How does jogging make you feel?”

They answer: “It makes me feel toned, focused, sexy, and powerful--as if I can accomplish anything I want. It puts my mind at peace.”

Those are the end values, the outcome of the means values, and the real reason why this person jogs.

Interestingly, a lot of people are not even aware of the ends values in doing-what-they-do.

Once you know their ends values, you can help them get to those ends values by offering them your product or service.

If you can give that person something that will fulfill the ends values, you’ve just turned an indifferent prospect into an interested customer.

At this point, you can mention how your product or service can fulfill their ends values. In the case of the jogger ... toned, focused, sexy, valuable, his mind at peace.

Show him how your product or service can bring those results to him.

Grab your high lighter and mark this next sentence. It is critical

Don’t sell anything to anyone. Instead, share. Share.

Briefly share some information about your product or service. Then, shuttup. If he’s interested, he will ask questions. Don’t be persistent or rude. You’ve dropped the hook, you’ve wiggled the worm, you’ve done what you need to do. Now, it’s time for you to leave. Look at your watch or phone. Politely end the conversation, shake hands or high-five, then leave.

Getting someone interested in listening to you begins with you listening to them.  And while you’re listening, don’t be worried about making the sale. If your are, that will be evident in your facial expression, gestures, and tone of voice. Get absorbed into what the other person is saying.

Remember the simplicity and power of doing this:

1. Listen
2. Ask questions. Determine the ends values.
3. Speak in terms of what the other person wants
4. Share your product or service as helping them reach their ends values.
Cultivate the rare art of listening. Not only will this bring you help you switch
prospects to customers, it will bring you more friends and provide you with
insight into what people want, and what their willing to do to get what they want.

Chapter 2

Tell them the truth.

Tell them the truth about the reason why you’re selling your product or service.

Be radically honest.

This is almost unheard of in this day and age. For that reason alone, you will stand out from the crowd of dodgy salespeople who fake their way through life.

Whoever is careless with the truth in small matters cannot be trusted with important matters.

If someone asks you why are selling natural skin care products for your MLM (multi-level marketing) company, you might offer this answer:

“Three reasons. One, it works. I was given a free sample that I used and my Mom used, and after a week, we both got compliments on our skin. Two, I’d eventually like to work for myself, from home, and this gives me an opportunity
to do that while selling a product that I believe in. Three, I like helping people, and this product helps people get clearer skin and look years younger, the end result being they feel better about themselves and more confident.”

If you agree 100% with this answer, feel free to use it. Otherwise, think of two or three reasons why you are selling your product or service, and memorize them.  Make sure that at least one reason includes your own self interest, something like
“I’d eventually like to work for myself from home. These days, job security is two or three jobs and, because of the economy, my job could get cut any time.”

To reiterate, tell them the truth about the reason why you’re selling this product or service. Be authentic.  Be radically honest with them, and with yourself. More often than not, the prospect will appreciate your candor and remember you for it. If you don’t get a sale then, you’re likely to get one later or at least get a referral.

Chapter 3

Use humor.

Make ‘em laugh. Have fun. Take yourself seriously, but don’t be pretentious.

Make fun of yourself. Be lighthearted.

If you make people laugh, you will attract them to you. And guys listen up, on a scale of 1-10, the number 1 or number 2 feature that will attract a woman is ... sense of humor.

For many woman, a sense of humor trumps looks. As long as you make them laugh, they will like you, or even love you.  It’s almost impossible to not be attracted to someone who makes you laugh.

With well-known comedians, this effect is seen on a broad scale.

Comedians are some of the highest paid people in the world.

Why is that?

I have a theory. They help us forget. And they help us remember.

When you laugh, you forget all your problems.

Comedians also help us remember, remember the truth because it’s offered in the
cradle of a joke.

Humor is the truth wrapped in a blanket.

Think about it. A comedian can get away with saying some truths that would otherwise be difficult to even mention in public but within the framework of a joke, it is softened.

Humor is healthy for the body.

A merry heart doeth good like a medicine; but a broken spirit drieth the bones.
Proverbs 17:22 (The Bible - King James Version)

Another reason well-known comedians are paid so much is because they demonstrate value. When you induce a large number of people laugh, you’re helping them to avoid pain and gain pleasure. And for the most part, people are motivated by one or both of those triggers.

To bring this to your reality, you can use humor to make yourself a more attractive person as you help those around you to avoid-pain-and-gain-pleasure by laughing.

That’s why, very often, the most popular person in class is the class clown. They may fail the class, but they’ll be remembered. It’s likely their niche would be theatre class, anyway.

So, to keep it short ...

Use humor. Make them laugh.

When you’re selling your product or service, don’t take it too seriously. Don’t even really care about making the sale.

And don’t take the rejection personally. No failure. Only feedback. Instead, have fun, laugh, be light hearted, smile, enjoy yourself. That type of attitude is infectious in a good way. Spread some cheer. Be merry.

You’re sure to get more sales by being funny and positive and having fun. Even if you do not get the sale initially, your humor will get you more friends, which means more potential prospects that might become future customers.

Chapter 4

Use curiousity.

A good story keeps us reading because we want to know what happens next.

But have you ever picked up a used book, started reading, got really into it, then you come to a missing page? Or you’ve lost the book?

If the book is well-written, so that you’re invested into the characters, you will get another copy to see what happens next.

According to my friend Terry, a therapist, the psychological term for this is called creating an open loop. It’s also called unfinished business. Both an open loop and unfinished business demand satisfaction. An open loop needs to be closed. Unfinished business needs to be finished.

I had a really interesting discussion with Terry about this topic and she mentioned that some people cannot sleep at night due to unfinished business.

“They might have someone in their life that they need to forgive, and because they haven’t done that, they can’t sleep,” Terry explained. “Or maybe they have some unfinished business at and even if they don’t remember it consciously, the
subconscious mind is keeping them awake. The mind is a very powerful thing.”

Curiosity is the wick in the candle of learning.
William Arthur Ward

Generally speaking, TV show writers are professionals when it comes to creating open loops. You’ll find this at the end of each show, when highlights next weeks episode are shown, while the ringside sounding announcer ends his pitch with
“You don’t want to miss this in the most shocking episode yet!”

And like you, I’m hoping to remember to watch the next episode, too. TV writers get paid well for a reason. They are effective at their craft. They can potentially reach millions of viewers, so with that kind of responsibility, high skills are required.

For your product or service, you can use curiosity with great effect. Say that outloud right now ... “With great effect”.

How? A number of ways. Here’s a few.

Real Estate investing
Learn how to find, buy, and flip properties
in Florida or anywhere else:

Put together an advertisement for your product or service that follows this standard formula:

1. present a problem
2. agitate the problem
3. tell a story
4. present a solution, tease them with benefits, while hiding solution recipe
5. sweeten the pot by offering free goodies if they order right now
6. heighten the drama with special price for limited time offer
7. offer incentive with 100% money back guarantee and keeping the free goodies
as a bonus gift even if they decide not to buy

I used this above formula when I put together my landing page for Make Big Profits Flipping Florida Land.

The goal is to follow the steps 1 - 7, while concealing the process or recipe for the solution to the problem stated in number one.

You’ve got to get people curious about your offer, before they will be interested to know more and then buy from you.

You can do this through advertisements, online (websites, capture pages, landing pages) and offline (flyers, newspapers, magazines, business cards).  Another way to get people curious is to be unpredictable, outrageous, or quiet.

Show results, not the product.

Act as if you’re a millionaire and you’ll get people asking you how you got your money. Tell them you got it by being part of an MLM or by selling a product or a service. Don’t say anything else.

At this point, they’ll be practically begging you to know more. Still, remain nonchalant, almost indifferent, then say: “Well (pause), if you’re really interested, here’s my card. Give me an e-mail and (say this next word slowly) maybe we can meet sometime this week.”

Or, you can take it a step further by qualifying them.

When they ask for more information, look them over with a slight grin, nod your head side to side and say: “Hmmmm, I don’t know.”

They’ll be frantic and ask you: “You don’t know what?”

You reply: “I don’t know if you could do this. It takes a special person. Are you special?”

Get them to sell themselves to you. Get them excited to know more. If they ask for details, remain mysterious, aloof, and funny. Be serious, but also have fun.

We keep moving forward, opening new doors, and doing new things, because we’re curious and curiosity keeps leading us down new paths.

If you get people highly curious, you can get them highly excited to join your team. At this point, you qualify them to get them to sell themselves to you, so they will have a lot invested at this point as they try to prove themselves to you.
Let them do that by joining your team and being the number one salesperson for your product or service.

Get them curious. Get them excited. Then, little by little, draw them into your exclusive inner circle where they can get wealthy while helping other people.

The beauty of using curiosity is that it is a hook with a bait that cannot be resisted, because it creates an open loop that demands to be closed.

This technique alone--using curiosity to turn a prospect into a loyal customer--can earn you huge profits. Become an expert at this and you will generative massive revenue.

Chapter 5

Tell a story.

Everyone loves a good story.

Look at the popularity of movies, and the high paid writers who craft a screenplay that keeps moviegoers sitting in a theatre for two to three hours.

Besides the standard beginning (introduction of characters), middle (introduction of conflict), and end (resolution of conflict), a good story gives us a reason to care about the characters, a main character to root for, a villian to be avoided or dealt with, a goal that needs to be overcome, an ending that satisfies, and a lot more.

We are lonesome animals. We spend all our life trying to be less lonesome. One of our ancient methods is to tell a story begging the listener to say -- and to feel -- “yes, that’s the way it is, or at least that’s the way I feel it. You’re not as alone as you thought.”
John Steinbeck

With your product or service, tell a story.

Speaking for myself, with my e-book Make Big Profits Flipping Florida Land (, this would be my story.

beginning - introduction of characters

A few years ago, I was delivering pizzas at Papa John’s, while living on friends couches, in order to save money to get my first fixer-upper (handyman special) property. My goal was to fix it up and flip (resell for profit) it, or rent it out for additional income.

middle - introduction of conflict

After moving to North Florida, and buying a property with the money that I had saved, I discovered there wasn’t much in the way of jobs. I could either move back or stay here. But I wanted to stay here.

ending - resolution of conflict

One day, while reading the newspaper, I discovered an ad for a property for a few hundred dollars. I did research, purchased the property, resold it for profit, and continued doing this, eventually owning 17 properties in Florida, California,
Arizona. The end result of the notes on doing this is the ebook “Make Big Profits Flipping Florida Land” (works anywhere in the U.S.).

Tell your story.

Each person’s life is a story that is telling itself in the living.
William Bridges

What’s your story with your product or service?

Write it down. Memorize it. And when people are genuinely interested in hearing it, tell it to them.

Use drama in telling your story and give them a reason to care. Keep them curious as to what will happen next. Sprinkle it with humor. Conclude it with lessons learned and hope for the future.

Then, tell them they are writing a story too, with their actions. At the end of the day, will they be happy with the way their story came about?

Gently tell them that once they buy your product or service, they can begin writing their story in a different way, one that brings huge value to others while simultaneously bringing profits to them.

Let them know that your product can give them an opportunity to create a story
with a happy ending.

Chapter 6

Demonstrate value.

These two words are key to getting people attracted to you, your product or your service.

The absolute first thing you must do to get anyone interested in you is:
demonstrate value.

Price is what you pay. Value is what you get.
Warren Buffet

If you don’t demonstrate value to someone, they will not hang around you. If they don’t hang around you, you won’t make the sale.

Nothing moves without a sale.

The fundamental two ways you can demonstrate value is by helping someone:

1. avoid pain
2. gain pleasure

Before you get them interested in your product or service, you have to get them interested in you. How? By being yourself while at the same time honing your God-given gifts and using that skill to help others.

What is your skill?  What is your talent?  What is your God-given gift?

If you’re not sure of what your skill is, e-mail ten to twenty relatives, friends, acquaintances and ask them this: 

What do you think my skill is? What do you think I am good at? How do you think I can use this to move my
life forward and help others? How can I use this to earn money? Your answers are very appreciated.
Thank you,
(your name here)

You’ll probably laugh when you read the answer, because often it’s something that you weren’t even aware of, but that a large number of your friends or family are completely aware of. Why is this? In life, sometimes we tend to see ourselves in a way that is far from who we really are.

“Only by pride cometh contention: but with the well advised is wisdom.”
Proverbs 13:10 (The Bible - King James Version)

Use their answers as a wake up call to really find out where your skill is, and how you can demonstrate value with that skill to help others avoid pain and gain pleasure.

Helping others will gain you friends and fans. Then, sprinkle little curiousity seeds into the conversational soil every now and then, phrases like “I made $150 dollars yesterday” or “in a year, I’ll be working for myself” or “have you seen her, she looks so much younger” or “have you seen how much better she looks?”

When they ask about what happened, put in an endorsement for your product or service. Do not say anything else. Do not sell it. Wait until they ask you for more information.

Let them see results of how you demonstrate value, then, over time, how your product or service demonstrates value.

Eye appeal is buy appeal. Let them see results and let them lead the way to a purchase. Just answer questions and take their order.

Chapter 7

Establish rapport.

Once you establish some kind of rapport with your prospect, either through copywriting or in person, you are likely to make a sale, get a referral or both.

It was a wonderful time (making “The Partridge Family”) and I loved every minute of it. We had a great executive producer
who was in tune with all of us ... We had an incredible rapport and I think that’s what made us successful.

Rapport is a relationship of mutual trust and respect. When two people are
comfortable with each other, usually due to sharing similar interests, and trust and
respect, they share rapport.

Use these 5 steps to build rapport with someone.

1. Listen
2. Get to the point
3. Be funny and respectful
4. Ask for advice. Ask questions.
5. Be honest.

In order to build a comfortable relationship with someone, you must first understand the different thinking styles that people use.

There are three dominant thinking styles:

Visual - with the eyes, seeing, visuals, pictures
Auditory - with the ears, hearing, listening, sounds
Kinisthetic - feelings

Out of the three dominant thinking styles, people usually behave with one as their main way to communicate.

Typically, a person who is auditory senses will use phrases such as: That sounds fun. That sounds good to me. I hear what you’re saying.

Often, an auditory will tell a story like this:

Then I said “”
Then she said “”
Then I said “”

A visual oriented person would use phrases like this: I see. I don’t really see what you’re saying. I can picture it.

A kinesthetic oriented person would use phrase like this: I’m really feeling it. I feel really good. That feels good.

In a conversation, if you notice the other person is about to fall asleep or getting fidgety, listen to the words they use. They are probably have a different communication style than you.

If you are visual and they are auditory, then you need to get auditory. You have to relate to them in a way that they understand.

According to studies, only 7% of what is communicated between people is transmitted through the words.

Where does the rest come from?

38% comes through the tone of the voice, the tempo, the timbre.
55% of communication comes from body language.

To get your prospect comfortable with you, you want to mirror their words (7%), tone of voice and tempo of speech (38%) and body language (55%).

Mirroring and matching both their communication style (visual, auditory, kinisthetic) and body language will help build rapport among you and your prospects.

Exercise these techniques with subtlety.

By communicating effectively, you are establishing rapport in an efficient manner by opening a line of communication with your prospect that they are familiar with. In doing this, you’re speaking to them in a way that they can understand. 

Establishing rapport, quickly, is a critical component in making a positive impression while you are sharing your product or service to a prospect. Over the long term, building rapport can be used with your downline and upline, too.

Treat this technique with great care, and reap the benefits of positive results.


Memorize these principles. Incorporate them into your life and watch the results.

Once these become second nature to you, you will automatically apply them when mentioning your product or service to a prospect.

1. Listen. Ask questions. Speak in terms of what the other person wants.
2. Tell them the truth.
3. Use humor.
4. Use curiosity.
5. Tell a story.
6. Demonstrate value.
7. Establish rapport.

Get really good at all these techniques and you’ll have your own personal 7-person sales team that will hook your prospect and switch them to a loyal customer.

You can get a free PDF copy of this ebook at

Thank you.


Kris Kemp

How to Make Your Life Easier by Renting An Apartment or Room Instead of Buying a House

If you want to make your life easier, do not buy real estate.  Instead, rent real estate. 

If you're an investor who's interested in making money from real estate, do it the way that I did it, buy buying and flipping properties or buying and renting properties.  I explain how in my ebook Make Big Profits Flipping Florida Land.

Here’s 5 reasons why it’s better to rent an apartment, a room, or a house, rather than buy the same piece of real estate.

1.  Your physical responsibilities are minimal.

When you buy real estate, you are buying “into a relationship”.  Congratulations, you just got married to a property.  And now it’s your job, your duty, to maintain that property.  You are responsible for the upkeep, the maintenance, the repairs, that are, in some cases, mandatory for the property.

You’ve probably heard of property owners who have neglected to maintain their lawn or allowed junk cars to be stacked on their property, and subsequently lost their house, actually had their real estate taken from them, because of the heavy fines placed on the property.  When someone offers to pay the fines on the property and if the property is worth the same amount or less than the amount of the fines, then that “someone” ends up the new property owner.

In the United States of America, the reality, when you buy a property, is that you do not actually own the property.  You are simply the “tenant” of the property and the government is the owner.  

Otherwise, you would not have to pay property taxes or have to abide by rules that are established in order to squeeze money from you.  Additionally, these rules are put into place in order to generate revenue from someone who has an attachment, often due to “pride of ownership” into something, in this case the real estate which he has purchased.

All this to say, when you buy a property—real estate—you are buying into all the responsibilities that coincide with ownership of the property.  The only way to avoid this is to not buy real estate.  Don’t buy the property.

Rent the property.  Rent the room.  Rent the apartment.  Rent the house.  Doing so will minimize your physical responsibilities with the said property.

2.  Your financial responsibilities are minimal 

Home ownership means that you are handcuffed to financial responsibilities such as paying property taxes, home insurance, paying the mortgage, paying for repairs and upgrades.  

Owning an apartment demands similar financial obligations, although these obligations are, typically, less expensive, unless you’ve purchased an apartment in New York City.

Buying a condominium means having to pay condo fees, maintaining your condominium so as not to upset the condo board, paying property taxes, insurance, condo fees.

When you rent a house or an apartment or a condominium, your financial responsibilities are far less burdensome.  

3.  You can move whenever you want

Owning real estate, whether it be a house, a condominium, an apartment, means that you are attached to it.  In order to move, and to keep your expenses low, you’ll have to find a a buyer or a renter.

When you rent a house or an apartment or a condominium, if you want to move, you simply give your notice and, if necessary, find another renter, get them into place, and then move.

4.  Less stress

Renting real estate means less stress than buying.  Why?  Because there are fewer financial obligations with renting than with buying.  See the rules above.  

Real Estate For Sale By Owner
Learn how to find, buy, and flip properties for fun and profit, all
over the United States.  If a college dropout (me) can do this, so
can you!  Visit

5.  The housing market has little effect on you

Renting a place leaves you unattached to fluctuations in the housing market.  You pay your rent.  You have a place to live.  Simple.

If you own a house and the housing market crashes, your mortgage might be affected by rising interest rates, or you may not be able to pull that second mortgage because your home is worth half of what it was when you bought it.  A number of scenarios come into play here.

When you rent, however, you are not affected by the housing market.  


If you’re considering buying real estate, for yourself or your family, rent the real estate instead.  In doing this, you’ll be saving time, money, while also having a lot more freedom in your life.

Real Estate Investing for Beginners: A 10 Step Guide

Is it possible to invest in real estate, even if you don't have a real estate license?

The answer may surprise you.

If you have heard about real estate investing, but don’t know where to begin, consider yourself lucky for two reasons.

Learn how to find, buy, and flip real estate in
Florida or anywhere else for fun & profit.
Check out my ebook by clicking here now.

1.  Anyone can invest in real estate.  
I’m going to tell you the truth about real estate investing, that anyone can do it.  I’m a college dropout and the class that kept me from graduating was College Algebra.  If I can invest in real estate, you can, too.

My journey as a real estate investor
In 2005, I started researching investment properties in the area of West Palm Beach, Florida.  I soon discovered that real estate in South Florida was out of my price range.  So, I decided to look elsewhere.  I researched North Florida, using a technique that I had learned about in a real estate investing book.

The technique was this:  Search online for the name of the town and state you want to research, then find out what the names of the local newspapers are.  Find out if the local newspapers have a website. Then, go to that local newspapers website.

Although it took some time, the results were well worth it.  I researched “Chiefland Florida newspaper”.  On the first page of Google, a list of results appeared.  One of these was the Chiefland Florida newspaper.  I visited their website, viewed their classified ads, and found some properties for sale by owner, with owner-financing.  I doubt these properties were listed anywhere else.  These classified ads in local newspapers became a good resource for finding out what investment property was selling for, who was selling it, and what terms the seller was willing to accept.

2. Investing in real estate does not require using your own money.  
You can use someone else’s money.  What do you bring to the table?  Your skills and knowledge.  In exchange, you earn a percentage of the profit from the deal.  Any risk can be ameliorated (lessened) by your research into the deal.  In real estate terms, this research is called “due diligence”.  

How I Became a Real Estate Investor Using Other People’s Money
I learned how to invest in Real Estate by researching the investment property, then finding an investor to “front the deal”, that is, to put up cash for the deal.  On his end, the investor would be paid a greater Return On Investment (ROI) than bank interest or even the stock market.  On my end, I would earn 50% of the profit above the investor’s profit.  It was a win-win for both of us.  I explain this technique in my ebook Make Big Profits Flipping Florida Land.  Visit the site and sign up for the free course, as I explain the basics of how to do this—get others to front you the money—in that free course.  For the full details, buy the ebook.

Are you excited?  You’re about to find out how you can have your cash, or someone else’s cash, working for you, and earning higher interest (10% - 25% is average) than the bank, meaning your Return on Investment (R.O.I.) exceeds such risky strategies like the stock market or investing in the tech market.

Here is a ten step plan anyone can use to invest in real estate.

1.   Find your market

Find your market (geographical area, location, close to your current address is preferred).

Finding your market means finding your target area, the geographical location, of where you want to purchase real estate.  Ideally, it’s best if you purchase property within a 10-20 mile radius of your home.  The closer you are to your investment property, whether it’s a house, mobile home, or vacant land, the better.

Choosing your market will be determined by the amount you can make, known as the Return On Investment (ROI), minus your expenses, when you sell or rent the property.  And your ROI will be effected by a number of factors—current market values of the existing properties in this area, upcoming developments planned for the area, proximity to landmarks or bodies of water, crime rates for the area, employment opportunities for the area, and a lot more.  

Visit the area at night. During the day, an area with a few abandoned houses or commercial buildings may appear like an opportunity.  At night, however, these buildings may be a haven for criminal activity or a camp for homeless people.  Talk to the people that live in the area to get a feel for what’s going on there.

2.  Determine or choose your investment property type - house, mobile home, land, commercial 

What kind of real estate property would you like to invest in?  Buying a house?  Buying a mobile home?  Buying land?  Buying commercial property?

How would you like to buy the investment property?  Buy it outright, or put the down payment on it in order to secure the mortgage?  Securing the mortgage of an investment property allows you to save money while, also, getting control of the property.

Okay, you’re probably wondering “but I don’t have the money to buy the property, what about the money?”  We’ll get to that.

A fixer-upper house that I purchased in Macon, Georgia.  Learn how to find, buy, and flip houses, mobile homes, and
vacant land in Florida, Georgia, or anywhere else.  If I, a college dropout, can do this, so can you.  I reveal the exact blueprint of how to make profits flipping properties in my ebook Make Big Profits Flipping Florida Land

3.  Find 5 investment properties

Find (houses, mobile homes, land, commercial properties) investment properties to purchase, rent for profit, or flip for profit.

Research.  Study the area where you plan to purchase a property.  How?  Follow these steps.

1.  Search online for “___________  ________  tax assessor” and “_______  _____ tax clerk” and “______  ______ property appraiser”.  Fill in the blank with the county in which the property is located.  Fill in the second blank with the state.

For example, if you’re searching for an investment property in Gilchrist County, Florida, search for “Gilchrist County, Florida tax assessor” or “Gilchrist County, Florida tax clerk” or “Gilchrist County, Florida property appraiser”.  

Research the area.  Find out what properties are selling for, how long they’ve been on the market, annual taxes, appraised values, etc.

Study the area.  Determine the comparable market values of real estate.  Become an expert and this will enable you to forecast, or predict, trends so you’ll understand where to buy and when to buy and where to sell and when to sell.

4.  Develop your strategy.  Lay out a plan.  

* Buy and rent for profit?  

* Buy, fix up, resell for profit - buy and flip?  You make money when you buy!  You can find a buyer before hand by using Craig’s List and social media pages on Facebook and Twitter and even classified ads in local newspapers.  Find out who’s willing to buy and what they are willing to pay before even making an offer on the property you want to buy.

I bought this house in Macon, Georgia for $2,900.  Learn
how to find cheap house, mobile homes, and vacant land
* How are you going to find the money?  We’re getting to that.  Once you have an action plan or a plan-of-action, then finding the money becomes easier.

5.  Establish a back-up plan.

Just what it says.  Set up a plan in the event that everything goes wrong, in case of a situation in which everything goes south.  Establish a contingency plan.  You’ve  made it this far, now make a backup plan.  You can do it.

This—making a backup plan—will lessen any worries you have, enabling you to move forward, to take action, to make things happen.  Action eliminates fear

6.  Determine your exit strategy.  

What’s your end goal?  How do you plan to exit this RE deal with a handsome profit, and with all parties (buyers, sellers, investors) satisfied and happy?

7.  Present your plan to investor or investors.  

Read over your notes and reduce everything to a simple plan of action.  Then, write down this plan of action and reduce it to numbered steps … 1, 2, 3 and so on.  Set the dates of when you’re going to do what.  Make copies of this, both PDF copies and hard copies.

Get everything in writing, signed, in the presence of a notary public.

8.  Execute your plan.  Take action.  Action eliminates fear.

Start putting your plan into action by taking action.

Years ago, I took action by moving to North Florida and discovering 3 ways how to buy real estate at low prices that I could flip (sell for a higher price) for fun and profits.  I wrote an ebook explaining exactly how I did this.  You can do this in Florida or anywhere else in the United States.  Find out more at

9.   Get people competing to rent or buy your property.  

When selling or renting the investment property, gather a crowd by scheduling a specific time.   If you want to rent or sell a property, set up a specific time frame in which to show the property, preferably on the weekend.  Schedule an open house on Sunday, 2pm - 4pm, gather a big crowd.  Get a mortgage broker at the place to, in order to set up mortgages for people who want the place.

10.  Put your exit strategy into motion.  

Collect rents.  Sell the property.  Keep records of everything (video, audio, paperwork, keep backup paperwork).  

If you're interested to find out more about how to invest in Real Estate, in Florida or anywhere else, be sure to check out my ebook, at Make Big Profits Flipping Florida Land.

For more articles about real estate investing and also how to make money online, be sure to visit my website